Unlock the Potential of AI

Deploy your AI with maximal efficiency

Consider AI compression if you're experiencing any of the following issues


Sky-high AI Operation Costs

Excessive GPU cloud costs for operating the AI model.

Latency in Performance

The AI model included in the service is too slow, negatively impacting the user experience.

Need for On-Device AI

Need to run AI on devices for security, cost, and user experience reasons

What is AI Model Compression?

AI model compression is to compress and squeeze the neural network so that less computations are needed, achieving computational efficiency.

Compressing AI creates a tradeoff between speed and performance. Multiple tests should determine under what conditions the tradeoff is smallest and what tradeoffs you need to make given your use case.


AI compression can help you


From research
to real life application

Cost Effective

Equal performance
at a low cost

On-Device AI

The smaller size,
the broader applications

How to Compress an AI Model?

Quantization is a way to lightweight AI models by adjusting the precision with which data is represented. Data commonly represented as floating point 32 or 16 bits can be represented as 8 bits, or even as low as 4,2 or 1 bit.

AI Compression Toolkit

OwLite is the easiest AI compression toolkit, simplifies the process of applying advanced AI compression techniques to pre-existing machine learning models

Compress Your AI Model with Us

SqueezeBits excels in the optimization of deep learning models using state-of-the-art model compression techniques.